Audio to Text Converter

Transform any audio file into accurate text transcripts instantly with our AI-powered voice to text converter online free, supporting multiple formats including MP3 and WAV.

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Loved by over 1 million users
  • Instant Transcription
  • Multiple Format Support
  • AI-Powered Accuracy

Trusted and Supported by businesses across the world

How Voice to Text Converter Online Works

  1. Upload your audio file (MP3, WAV, M4A)
  2. Select language and formatting preferences
  3. Click "Convert" and wait for processing
  4. Download your transcript in preferred format

Each file is processed through our advanced AI engine, ensuring optimal recognition of different accents and speaking styles. Our system automatically adds punctuation and timestamps while filtering out background noise.

The Best Free Audio to Text Converter

Our advanced audio transcription technology delivers unmatched accuracy and speed, making it the preferred choice for professionals and students alike. With support for multiple languages and automatic punctuation, you can convert hours of audio content into perfectly formatted text in minutes. The intuitive interface requires no technical expertise, while our AI algorithms continuously learn and improve for better results.

ScreenApp's Audio to Text Converter FAQ

What audio formats does the converter support?

Our MP3 audio to text converter online free supports all major formats including MP3, WAV, M4A, and WMA files up to 4 hours in length.

How accurate is the audio to text conversion?

The audio to text converter free achieves 99% accuracy for clear recordings, with best results for audio without background noise.

Is there a file size limit?

The audio to text converter free download supports files up to 500MB, with unlimited conversions for registered users.

Can I edit the transcribed text?

Yes, our online voice to text converter includes a built-in editor for making corrections and formatting adjustments.

Does it work with different accents and languages?

The best audio to text converter supports 30+ languages and various accents, powered by advanced AI recognition technology.

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