20 Best Meeting Recap Templates

Ever walked out of a meeting confused about what just happened? Fret no more! Effective meeting recaps are your key to ensuring everyone's on the same page. This guide dives into the top 20 meeting recap templates, categorized by meeting type, to help you capture key decisions and keep your team moving forward.

Written by
Andre Smith
Updated On
July 11, 2024


Effective communication and clear action items are crucial for any successful team. This is where meeting recaps come in. They serve as a central document summarizing key points, decisions made, and tasks assigned, ensuring everyone is on the same page.

Recaps promote team alignment by providing a shared reference point for future discussions and project execution. They also improve communication by capturing important details that might otherwise be forgotten. But let's face it, crafting a well-organized and informative recap from scratch can be time-consuming and require juggling multiple ideas.

That's where meeting recap templates come to the rescue. These pre-formatted documents provide a structured framework to streamline the recap process, saving you time and ensuring all the essential elements are covered.

Core Content: Top 20 Meeting Recap Templates

Meeting Recap Categories:

Here's a breakdown of various meeting types with some high-quality templates to match:

1. General Meeting Recaps:

These templates cater to broad discussions and updates.

  • Typical Content: Meeting agenda, key decisions, action items, next steps.
  • Template 1: Simple Meeting Minutes (Microsoft Word)
    • Key Features: Easy-to-use format, familiar for most users.
    • Benefits: Straightforward and efficient for capturing basic meeting details.
  • Template 2: Asana Meeting Agenda & Minutes (Google Sheet)
    • Key Features: Collaborative editing, integrates with project management tool Asana.
    • Benefits: Streamlines workflow for teams already using Asana.

2. Project Meeting Recaps:

These templates focus on project progress, roadblocks, and task delegation.

  • Typical Content: Project status updates, milestones achieved, upcoming deadlines, resource allocation.
  • Template 1: Trello Meeting Notes Template (Web App)
    • Key Features: Visually appealing, uses Trello card format for action items.
    • Benefits: Easy to track progress and assign ownership for tasks.
  • Template 2: Process Street Meeting Notes Template (Web App)
    • Key Features: Customizable sections for specific project details, automated follow-ups.
    • Benefits: Adapts to different project needs, ensures accountability with follow-up features.

3. Team Meeting Recaps:

These templates capture team discussions, brainstorm ideas, and track team member updates.

  • Typical Content: Team goals, communication updates, team member feedback, brainstorming notes.
  • Template 1: Fellow.app Meeting Notes Template (Web App)
    • Key Features: Focuses on capturing team member input and feedback.
    • Benefits: Encourages team participation and fosters open communication.
  • Template 2: Evernote Meeting Notes Template (Web App)
    • Key Features: Integrates with Evernote for note-taking and organization.
    • Benefits: Useful for teams already using Evernote for project management.

4. Client Meeting Recaps:

These templates focus on key discussion points, client needs, and next steps for collaboration.

  • Typical Content: Meeting objectives, client feedback, action items for both parties, follow-up plans.
  • Template 1: Client Meeting Notes Template (Word Doc)
    • Key Features: Tailored specifically for client meetings, includes sections for client background and objectives.
    • Benefits: Ensures all client-specific details are captured for future reference.
  • Template 2: Dubs Meeting Summary Template (Web App)
    • Key Features: Integrates with Dubs for audio/video recording and transcription of client meetings.
    • Benefits: Provides a searchable record of the meeting conversation alongside the recap.

5. Brainstorming Session Recaps:

These templates capture creative ideas, identify key themes, and prioritize next steps for action.

  • Typical Content: Brainstorming prompts, generated ideas, themes and trends, action items for further exploration.
  • Template 1: Miro Brainstorming Template (Web App)
    • Key Features: Visually-oriented template for mind mapping and idea organization.
    • Benefits: Encourages creative thinking and helps visualize connections between ideas.
  • Template 2: MindMeister Brainstorming Agenda (Web App)
    • Key Features: Offers a structured agenda to guide brainstorming sessions.
    • Benefits: Ensures focus and helps keep the brainstorming session productive.

6. One-on-One Meeting Recaps:

These templates capture performance feedback, goal progress, and areas for development.

  • Typical Content: Discussion topics, performance updates, development goals, action items for both parties.
  • Template 1: 15Five One-on-One Meeting Template (Web App)
    • Key Features: Specific sections for feedback, goals, and action items relevant to one-on-ones.
    • Benefits: Streamlines the one-on-one process and ensures all key points are addressed.
  • Template 2: BambooHR Performance Review Template (Web App)
    • Key Features: Integrates with BambooHR for performance management workflows.
    • Benefits: Useful for companies already using BambooHR to track employee performance.

7. Stand-Up Meeting Recaps:

These templates capture daily progress updates, roadblocks encountered, and upcoming tasks.

  • Typical Content: Individual progress updates, team roadblocks, task delegation for the day.
  • Template 1: Scrumble Daily Stand-Up Template (Web App)
    • Key Features: Designed specifically for Scrum teams with sections for yesterday's work, today's focus, and roadblocks.
    • Benefits: Ensures daily check-ins stay focused on project progress.
  • Template 2: Geekbot Stand-Up Meeting Notes (Web App)
    • Key Features: Integrates with Geekbot for automated reminders and stand-up meeting management.
    • Benefits: Streamlines the stand-up process and reduces the need for manual setup.

8. Committee Meeting Recaps:

These templates capture key decisions, voting results, and action items for committee members.

  • Typical Content: Discussion topics, proposals presented, voting outcomes, action items with assigned leads.
  • Template 1: Boardable Committee Meeting Agenda (Web App)
    • Key Features:  Provides a structured agenda template specifically for committee meetings.
    • Benefits: Ensures all relevant topics are covered and decisions are documented clearly.
  • Template 2: OnBoard Meeting Minutes Template (Web App)
    • Key Features: Offers a more formal meeting minutes template suitable for committee record-keeping.
    • Benefits: Provides a detailed record of the meeting for future reference and accountability.

9. Retro Meeting Recaps:

These templates capture project wins, challenges encountered, and areas for improvement.

  • Typical Content: Project successes and failures, lessons learned, action items for future iterations.
  • Template 1: Asana Retrospective Template (Web App)
    • Key Features:  Provides a structured framework for facilitating retrospective discussions.
    • Benefits:  Encourages honest feedback and helps identify areas for improvement in ongoing projects.
  • Template 2: Liberating Structures Retrospective Template (Web App)
    • Key Features:  Offers various Liberating Structures exercises to guide the retrospective process.
    • Benefits:  Provides creative activities to spark deeper reflection and learning from past experiences.

10. Interview Meeting Recaps:

These templates capture key candidate information, interview feedback, and next steps in the hiring process.

  • Typical Content: Candidate background, key skills and experiences, interview team feedback, hiring decision.
  • Template 1: Google Docs Interview Scorecard (Web App)
    • Key Features:  Provides a standardized scoring system for interviewers to evaluate candidates.
    • Benefits:  Ensures consistent evaluation criteria and facilitates objective hiring decisions.
  • Template 2: Trello Interview Tracking Template (Web App)
    • Key Features:  Uses Trello boards to visually track candidate progress through the interview stages.
    • Benefits:  Provides a clear overview of the hiring pipeline and facilitates collaboration among hiring managers.pen_spark

Additional Tips for Effective Meeting Recaps

Even with a great template, crafting a truly impactful meeting recap requires following some best practices:

  • Assign a Notetaker: Designate someone to capture key points during the meeting. This frees up other attendees to participate fully and ensures detailed notes are taken.
  • Capture Key Decisions & Action Items:  Focus on summarizing the most important choices made and the specific tasks assigned to individuals. Clearly outline deadlines and who is accountable for each action item.
  • Maintain Focus:  While it's important to capture the discussion, avoid including every detail. Strive for a concise and informative summary that highlights the key takeaways.
  • Proofread & Distribute Promptly:  Double-check your recap for accuracy and clarity before sending it out. Aim to distribute the recap as soon as possible after the meeting, ideally within 24 hours, to solidify everyone's memory of the discussion.

Leveraging Meeting Technology:

Many online meeting tools offer built-in functionality to streamline the recap process. These tools can automatically:

  • Record Meetings: Capture the entire conversation for later reference, especially helpful for capturing nuances or complex decisions.
  • Transcribe Audio: Generate text transcripts from meeting recordings, making it easier to search for specific information later.
  • Assign Action Items: Allow attendees to assign tasks directly within the meeting platform, fostering accountability and clear ownership.

Examples of online meeting tools with built-in recap features include: ScreenApp, Zoom, Google Meet, Microsoft Teams, and Otter.ai (for transcription).

By following these tips and utilizing available technology, you can create effective meeting recaps that keep everyone informed, aligned, and moving forward on shared goals.


Feeling overwhelmed by the post-meeting scramble to capture key decisions and action items? Meeting recap templates can be your saving grace. These pre-formatted documents provide a structured framework to streamline the recap process, ensuring all essential points are covered and everyone is on the same page.

We've explored various meeting recap templates categorized by meeting type, offering a range of options to suit your specific needs. Explore the resources provided and choose the templates that best fit your workflow and meeting styles.

But remember, effective meeting recaps go beyond just the template. Utilize the additional best practices discussed to ensure your recaps are clear, concise, and action-oriented.

For those seeking to further refine their meeting management skills, there's a wealth of resources available online. Consider exploring articles and guides on topics like:

  • Effective meeting facilitation: Learn how to structure productive discussions and keep meetings focused.
  • Setting clear meeting agendas:  Ensure everyone arrives prepared and knows what to expect from the meeting.
  • Encouraging active participation:  Foster an environment where all voices are heard and ideas are shared.

By investing in well-crafted meeting recaps and effective meeting management practices, you can dramatically improve team communication, collaboration, and overall productivity.

ScreenApp effortlessly captures your screen recordings and leverages AI to transcribe, summarize and take notes of your videos and audio, making it simple to share insights with your team, clients, and prospects.

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