
Uploading Videos to LinkedIn: Troubleshooting

Written by
ScreenApp Team
Updated on
February 11, 2024

Why This Happens

  • File Size Limitations: LinkedIn might have specific file size limits for video uploads.
  • Video Format Compatibility: Ensure your recordings are in a format supported by LinkedIn (e.g., MP4).
  • Technical Glitches: Temporary issues with or LinkedIn's servers could be causing the problem.

How to Resolve It

  1. Check File Size: Verify that your recording's file size is within LinkedIn's allowed limits. You might need to compress the video if it's too large.
  2. Convert to Compatible Format: If necessary, convert your recording to a format supported by LinkedIn (e.g., MP4).
  3. Try a Different Browser: Sometimes, browser compatibility issues can affect uploads. Test uploading the video in a different browser.
  4. Check LinkedIn's Upload Limits: Ensure you haven't reached your daily or weekly upload limit on LinkedIn.
  5. Contact Support: If you're still unable to upload, reach out to's support team for assistance.

Additional Tips

  • Optimize Video for LinkedIn: Consider optimizing your video for LinkedIn's platform, including adding captions or a visually appealing thumbnail.
  • Check LinkedIn's Guidelines: Ensure your video complies with LinkedIn's content guidelines and terms of service.