12 ChatGPT Prompts to Streamline Your Meeting Note-Taking Process

Meetings, meetings, meetings. They're a necessary evil of the professional world, but they don't have to be a time suck. With ChatGPT, you can streamline your meeting note-taking process and get back to your work faster. Here are 6 ChatGPT prompts that will help you take better meeting notes, save time, and make your meetings more productive

Andre Smith
July 5, 2024

Meetings are an essential part of work life, but they can also be a major time suck. One of the most time-consuming aspects of meetings is taking notes. Lucky there is an AI that takes video notes for you connected to an automated meeting recorder and lets you chat to your videos. If you're tired of spending hours transcribing meeting minutes, AI Can help.

ChatGPT is a powerful language model that can be used to generate comprehensive and accurate meeting summaries in just a few minutes. ScreenApp is a video platform that makes it easy to use ChatGPT prompts with any video.

By using ChatGPT and ScreenApp together, you can easily streamline your meeting note-taking process. Here's how:

  1. Record or upload your meetings or videos to ScreenApp.
  2. Unify your meetings with AI to use ChatGPT with MS Teams or Google Meet
  3. Use one of the ChatGPT prompts below to generate a meeting summary.
  4. Review and edit the meeting summary as needed.
  5. Share the meeting summary with your team.

Why is ChatGPT useful for meeting note-taking?

  • Saves time: ChatGPT can automatically generate meeting notes in a fraction of the time it would take to type them out manually. This frees up participants to focus on other tasks, such as participating in the meeting and brainstorming ideas.
  • Improves accuracy: ChatGPT is trained on a massive dataset of text and code, which gives it the ability to understand and summarize complex information. This means that ChatGPT can generate meeting notes that are more accurate and comprehensive than notes taken manually.
  • Identifies key points and action items: ChatGPT can be used to identify the key points and action items from a meeting transcript. This can help participants to quickly understand the most important takeaways from the meeting and ensure that all of the necessary follow-up tasks are assigned.
  • Creates different types of meeting notes: ChatGPT can be used to generate a variety of different types of meeting notes, such as meeting summaries, meeting minutes, and meeting agendas. This makes it a versatile tool that can be used to meet the specific needs of any team.

Top Prompts at a Glance

Task Prompt Usefulness Score out of 5
Summarize Meeting Key Points Summarize the key points, decisions, and action items from this meeting. 5
Action Item Identification Identify and assign action items from this meeting to responsible parties. 5
DACI Decision Framework Create a DACI summary for the decisions made in this meeting, identifying Driver, Approver, Contributor, and Informed for each decision. 3.5
Meeting Retrospective Analysis Fill out a retro template for this meeting, highlighting what went well, what didn't, and areas for improvement. 3.4
Stand-up Meeting Template Creation Generate a stand-up meeting template for our team, including sections for previous day's progress, current priorities, and blockers. 4.9
Custom Meeting Agenda Development Write a detailed agenda for our next team meeting, including topic, time allocation, and discussion lead for each point. 4.2
Project Status Update Compilation Compile a comprehensive update on the current status of [Project Name], including completed tasks, pending items, and upcoming milestones. 4.1
Client Communication Drafting Draft a professional email to a client providing an update on project progress and addressing any concerns. 3.8
Brainstorming Session Facilitation Generate a list of creative ideas for [specific project or topic] considering recent trends and team strengths. 4.3
Research Summary on Industry Trends Provide a summary of the latest trends in [specific industry or sector] based on recent reports and articles. 4.1
Team Performance Review Template Create a template for quarterly team performance reviews, focusing on key achievements, areas for improvement, and goals for the next quarter. 4.2
Employee Onboarding Checklist Develop a comprehensive onboarding checklist for new hires in [department/team], covering all necessary steps from day one to the first month. 4.8

12 ChatGPT Prompts to Streamline Your Meeting Note-Taking Process

ChatGPT Meeting Summary Prompt

"Summarize the key points, decisions, and action items from this meeting."

Also called Meeting Minutes,this prompt directs ChatGPT to extract and condense the most crucial aspects of a meeting. It's designed to identify the primary topics discussed, key decisions made, and specific action items that need to be followed up on.

Example Use Case: After a project kickoff meeting where numerous topics are discussed, this prompt can quickly provide an overview for those who couldn't attend or as a recap for attendees.

Example Output: Today's meeting, dedicated to the XYZ project launch, was rich in discussions and fruitful in decision-making. Key topics included the project's scope, budgetary constraints, and the launch timeline. Notably, the team unanimously agreed on a budget of $20,000, underscoring the importance of cost-effective strategies in our approach. The launch date has been fixed for June 15, a deadline that aligns with our marketing objectives and technical readiness.

In terms of decisions, we resolved to prioritize customer engagement through targeted marketing. This approach includes a robust social media campaign and partnerships with key influencers in our sector. Another critical decision was the adoption of a phased deployment plan, ensuring technical stability and a smooth user experience.

Action items were assigned to ensure momentum. Anna will take charge of finalizing the comprehensive marketing plan, integrating our latest market research to target our primary demographics effectively. She is expected to present a draft by next week's meeting. Tom is tasked with overseeing the technical deployment, focusing on the critical integration of new features and ensuring that our IT infrastructure is robust and scalable. He will coordinate with the development team to align their tasks with our launch timeline.

Furthermore, the finance team will provide a detailed budget breakdown next session, helping us track our expenditures and financial projections more accurately. Lastly, a follow-up meeting is scheduled for next Thursday, where progress will be assessed, and additional adjustments will be made as needed.

In conclusion, today's meeting sets a solid foundation for the XYZ project, with clear objectives, well-defined roles, and an actionable timeline. It's imperative that all team members review the meeting minutes and start working on their respective tasks promptly.

Action Item Identification

"Identify and assign action items from this meeting to responsible parties."

This prompt helps in pinpointing specific tasks that emerged from a meeting and assigns them to individuals or teams, facilitating accountability and follow-up.

Example Use Case: Useful in a project status meeting where multiple tasks are discussed and need to be assigned to team members.

Example Output: In today's project status meeting, several critical action items were identified and assigned to ensure the smooth progression of our ongoing projects. To ensure clarity and accountability, each task has been allocated to specific team members, along with clear deadlines.

  1. Database Update: Sarah has been tasked with updating the client database. This includes verifying current contact information, adding new client details, and removing outdated entries. This task is crucial for the effectiveness of our upcoming marketing campaign. The deadline for completion is set for this Wednesday.
  2. Design Draft Presentation: Mike is responsible for presenting the initial draft of the new design for our upcoming product. This draft should include preliminary sketches, potential color schemes, and a basic layout. Feedback from this presentation will guide the final design phase. Mike’s presentation is scheduled for Friday.
  3. Budget Revision: Amanda will revise the project budget, focusing on reallocating resources to meet our new priorities. This revision includes analyzing current expenditure, identifying areas of cost-saving, and proposing adjustments. A revised budget report is expected by next Monday.
  4. Market Research Analysis: Kevin and his team are assigned to complete the market research analysis for Project Z. This involves compiling data from recent surveys, interpreting consumer behavior trends, and extracting insights relevant to our product development. The team is expected to present their findings in the next project meeting.
  5. Vendor Negotiations: Linda is to lead the vendor negotiation for the procurement of new software tools. She will liaise with potential suppliers, negotiate terms, and finalize contracts. Her goal is to secure the best possible deal without compromising on quality. A progress update is due in two weeks.
  6. Training Session Coordination: Raj is tasked with organizing a training session on the new project management software. This includes arranging the venue, coordinating with the software provider for a trainer, and ensuring all team members are scheduled to attend. The session is planned for the end of the month.

Each team member is expected to prioritize these action items and provide regular updates on their progress. The next meeting will include a review of these tasks and adjustments to our project timelines and strategies where necessary.

DACI Decision Framework

"Create a DACI summary for the decisions made in this meeting, identifying Driver, Approver, Contributor, and Informed for each decision."

This prompt is designed to structure meeting decisions using the DACI framework, which clarifies roles and responsibilities for each decision.

Example Use Case: Ideal for strategic meetings where significant decisions are made, and clarity on roles is essential for execution.

Example Output: In today's strategic meeting, several key decisions were made, and for each, we have applied the DACI decision-making framework. This framework ensures clarity in roles and responsibilities, crucial for effective execution and communication. Below is the DACI summary for each decision:

Decision: Launch New Product Line

  1. Driver: John, responsible for leading the project and ensuring all milestones are met.
  2. Approver: Lisa, who will make the final decision and provide necessary resources.
  3. Contributors: Marketing Team, tasked with developing and implementing the marketing strategy.
  4. Informed: All department heads, to be kept updated on progress and any major changes.

Decision: Implement Remote Working Policy

  1. Driver: Emma, overseeing the policy development and implementation process.
  2. Approver: CEO, Mr. Thompson, who will give the final approval and support.
  3. Contributors: HR Department, responsible for drafting the policy and addressing legal compliance.
  4. Informed: All employees, to be aware of the new working conditions and guidelines.

Decision: Upgrade IT Infrastructure

  1. Driver: Alex, managing the upgrade project and coordinating with vendors.
  2. Approver: CFO, Mrs. Green, for budget approval and financial oversight.
  3. Contributors: IT Department, working on the technical aspects and implementation.
  4. Informed: Management Team, to understand the impact on operations and budget.

Decision: Expand to New Markets

  1. Driver: Sophia, leading the market research and expansion strategy.
  2. Approver: Board of Directors, for strategic alignment and investment approval.
  3. Contributors: Sales and Research Teams, for gathering market data and customer insights.
  4. Informed: All relevant stakeholders, including partners and investors.

Decision: Organize Annual Company Retreat

  1. Driver: Carlos, in charge of planning and executing the retreat.
  2. Approver: HR Manager, Janet, for aligning with company culture and budget.
  3. Contributors: Events Team, responsible for logistics, activities, and coordination.
  4. Informed: All staff, to ensure participation and logistical planning.

Each of these decisions is integral to our strategic goals and operational effectiveness. The DACI framework not only clarifies roles but also ensures that all relevant parties are appropriately engaged and informed, facilitating smoother execution and transparency across the organization.

Meeting Retrospective Analysis

"Fill out a retro template for this meeting, highlighting what went well, what didn't, and areas for improvement."

This prompt facilitates a reflective analysis of a meeting, identifying successes, challenges, and potential areas for improvement.

Example Use Case: Best used after a major project milestone or event to review performance and plan for future improvements.

Example Output:

Date of Meeting: January 10, 2024

Purpose of Meeting: Review of Q1 Project Milestones and Planning for Q2

What Went Well:

  1. Effective Collaboration: The synergy between the marketing and product development teams was exemplary. Their joint presentation on the Q1 milestones showed a high level of inter-departmental coordination.
  2. Quality of Presentations: The presentations, especially the financial review by the finance team, were detailed and informative, providing clear insights into our current standing.
  3. Engagement and Participation: There was active participation from all attendees, with valuable input and constructive feedback throughout the meeting.

What Didn’t Go Well:

  1. Time Management: Several agenda items overran their allocated time slots, leading to a rushed discussion in the latter part of the meeting.
  2. Technical Issues: We encountered intermittent technical difficulties with the video conferencing tool, which disrupted the flow of presentations and discussions.
  3. Lack of Preparedness in Some Areas: A few team members seemed underprepared for their agenda segments, which affected the depth and quality of information presented.

Areas for Improvement:

  1. Strict Adherence to Time Slots: Allocate specific time slots for each agenda item and appoint a timekeeper to ensure adherence. This will help in covering all topics thoroughly without rushing.
  2. Pre-Meeting Tech Checks: Implement a protocol for a mandatory technical check for all participants at least 15 minutes before the meeting starts to avoid technical glitches.
  3. Enhanced Preparation: Encourage all team members to come fully prepared with their presentations and reports. This could be facilitated by setting internal deadlines for material preparation, at least a day before the meeting.
  4. Improved Documentation: While the meeting was well-documented, the distribution of minutes could be quicker. Assigning a dedicated note-taker and establishing a protocol for circulating minutes within 24 hours post-meeting could enhance efficiency.
  5. Feedback Mechanism: Introduce a post-meeting anonymous feedback form for attendees to express their thoughts about the meeting’s effectiveness. This will provide insights for continuous improvement.

The above analysis highlights our strengths in collaboration and engagement while drawing attention to areas where we can improve, particularly in time management and preparation. By addressing these areas, we can enhance the productivity and effectiveness of our future meetings.

Stand-up Meeting Template Creation

"Generate a stand-up meeting template for our team, including sections for previous day's progress, current priorities, and blockers."

This prompt creates a structured format for daily stand-up meetings, ensuring that teams remain focused on immediate tasks and challenges.

Example Use Case: Helpful for agile teams that need a consistent format for their daily check-ins.

Example Output: "1. Yesterday's Progress: Completed the client proposal. 2. Today's Priorities: Start on the new campaign design. 3. Blockers: Awaiting budget approval."

Custom Meeting Agenda Development

"Write a detailed agenda for our next team meeting, including topic, time allocation, and discussion lead for each point."

This prompt helps in preparing a detailed and timed agenda for a team meeting, ensuring that all important points are covered efficiently.

Example Use Case: Useful for planning regular team meetings where multiple topics are discussed, and time management is crucial.

Example Output: "1. Marketing Strategy Update (10 min - led by Emily), 2. Budget Review (15 min - led by Mark), 3. Q&A Session (5 min)."

Project Status Update Compilation

"Compile a comprehensive update on the current status of [Project Name], including completed tasks, pending items, and upcoming milestones."

This prompt aids in summarizing the progress of a specific project, outlining what has been achieved, what's pending, and future key milestones.

Example Use Case: Useful for project managers needing to provide stakeholders with a snapshot of project progress.

Example Output: "Project Alpha: 70% complete. Completed: Design phase, Initial testing. Pending: Final development stage. Next Milestone: Beta testing begins April 30."

Client Communication Drafting

"Draft a professional email to a client providing an update on project progress and addressing any concerns."

This prompt assists in crafting a professional and clear communication to clients, updating them on project statuses and addressing any queries or concerns.

Example Use Case: Helpful for account managers regularly updating clients on ongoing projects.

Example Output: "Dear [Client Name], I hope this email finds you well. I'm writing to update you on the progress of [Project]. We are currently on track with the timeline, and the next phase is set to commence next week..."

Brainstorming Session Facilitation

"Generate a list of creative ideas for [specific project or topic] considering recent trends and team strengths."

This prompt is designed to spark creativity and generate innovative ideas for a project or topic by leveraging current trends and team capabilities.

Example Use Case: Useful in creative team meetings where new, innovative ideas are needed.

Example Output: "1. Leverage AR technology for the new marketing campaign. 2. Explore eco-friendly packaging options based on recent sustainability trends."

Research Summary on Industry Trends

"Provide a summary of the latest trends in [specific industry or sector] based on recent reports and articles."

This prompt helps in compiling an up-to-date overview of industry trends, essential for strategic planning and staying competitive.

Example Use Case: Valuable for teams in dynamic industries needing to stay abreast of market changes.

Example Output: "In the tech industry, there's a growing emphasis on AI and machine learning, with companies investing heavily in these technologies to drive innovation..."

Team Performance Review Template

"Create a template for quarterly team performance reviews, focusing on key achievements, areas for improvement, and goals for the next quarter."

This prompt assists in creating a structured template for evaluating team performance, highlighting achievements, improvement areas, and future objectives.

Example Use Case: Ideal for managers conducting regular performance reviews with their teams.

Example Output: "Employee Name: [Name]. Achievements: Successfully led project X. Improvement Areas: Time management. Goals for Next Quarter: Take on a leadership role in project Y."

Employee Onboarding Checklist

"Develop a comprehensive onboarding checklist for new hires in [department/team], covering all necessary steps from day one to the first month."

This prompt is designed to create a detailed checklist for smoothly integrating new employees into a team or department.

Example Use Case: Useful for HR managers or team leads preparing for the arrival of new team members.

Example Output: "Day 1: Welcome meeting, HR paperwork. Week 1: Team introductions, training sessions. First Month: Project assignment, performance check-in."

Each prompt is tailored to leverage ChatGPT's capabilities for specific, practical applications in a workplace setting, enhancing efficiency and clarity in various organizational processes.

How exactly do I use these prompts on a Video?

ChatGPT is a powerful language model that can be used to generate text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer your questions in an informative way. However, ChatGPT is not specifically designed for meeting note-taking.

Thats why ScreenApp exists. ScreenApp is a cloud-based recording and transcription tool that is specifically designed for meeting note-taking. ScreenApp automatically transcribes meetings, which makes it easy to generate comprehensive and accurate meeting notes.

In addition, ScreenApp provides the full video context of the meeting, which can be helpful for understanding the context of the meeting notes. For example, if you are reviewing a meeting note and you are not sure what something means, you can watch the video of the meeting at that point to get more context.

Meetings can be busy and chaotic. Streamline them

How to use ScreenApp's Ask AI to take notes

To use ScreenApp's Ask AI for meeting note-taking, signup for a free ScreenApp account.

Once you have started recording a meeting or uploaded a videoin ScreenApp, you can open the Ask AI sidebar by clicking on the Ask AI icon in the top right corner of the screen.

In the Ask AI sidebar, you can type in a question or prompt related to the meeting. For example, you could type "Summarize the key points of this meeting" or "Identify the action items from this meeting and assign them to responsible parties."

ScreenApp will then use ChatGPT to generate a response to your question or prompt. The response will be displayed in the Ask AI sidebar.

You can then review the response and edit it as needed. Once you are happy with the response, you can click on the "Add to Notes" button to add it to your meeting notes.

Ask AI in ScreenApp

ScreenAppは画面の記録を簡単にキャプチャし、AIを活用して 書き写すまとめる そして ビデオとオーディオのメモを取るこれにより、チーム、クライアント、見込み客とインサイトを簡単に共有できます。
