Convert Audio and Video to Text with AI

Automatically transcribe your video audio to text online in seconds. Convert your calls, podcast, interview, lecture, voice memos to text with high accuracy.


How to transcribe your Audio and Video to text in 3 Easy Steps

1. Upload your File

2. Recieve your Transcript

3. Summarize and take notes with AI

Upload any Audio or Video

We support MP3, WAV, AAC, M4A, FLAC, OGG, WMA, AIFF, AMR, MP4 files

Record and Capture Audio and Video

Record your voice, screen or video with our AI Recorder

Use AI to Summarize, take notes an Ask Questions

We use ChatGPT to analyze, summarize and take notes from your audio and video files

Frequently asked questions

Where can I transcribe audio and video to text?

ScreenApp allows you to easily transcribe both audio and video files into text format. Here's the process:
Upload your audio or video file (mp3, wav, mp4, etc.) to ScreenApp.
ScreenApp will automatically transcribe the audio and video content into text.
You can then review and edit the transcribed text as needed.
Export the transcribed text in various document formats like docx, txt, or pdf for further use.

How do I convert a video recording to text?

Similar to audio files, ScreenApp can transcribe the audio portion of your video recordings and convert it into text. You don't need any special software or integrations with other platforms.

Is there an app that converts audio and video recordings to text?

Yes, ScreenApp is an app that can handle both audio and video transcription. You can upload your files or record directly within the app, and it will automatically transcribe the content into text format.sharemore_vert

Does ScreenApp offer any features to improve the accuracy of the transcriptions?

Yes, ScreenApp provides features to enhance accuracy:
Speaker identification:  Differentiates between multiple speakers in a recording, making the transcript easier to follow.
Vocabulary customization:  Train the system to recognize specific terminology relevant to your field for improved accuracy in specialized content.
Editing tools:  Allow you to review and correct any errors within the transcript for greater precision.

Can I use ScreenApp to transcribe live audio or video streams?

Yes! You can use our AI Recorder to record live video, audio and any live voice stream