How-to Guide

How to Use the Recording Trim Feature

Written by
Andre Smith
Updated on
June 13, 2024

Trim Your ScreenApp Recordings:

This guide explains how to trim the beginning and end of your ScreenApp recordings.

Selecting a Video:

  1. Open the video library: Locate your recordings within ScreenApp.
  2. Choose your video: Click on the thumbnail of the video you want to trim.

Trimming the Video:

  1. Click the "Trim" button: This opens the trimming interface.
  2. Adjust the timeline: Drag the handles at the start and end of the timeline to select the portion you want to keep.
  3. Preview your trim: The trimmed section will be highlighted. Click the play button to preview it.

Important Notes:

  • Trimming removes unwanted parts from the beginning and end. It cannot split or combine recordings.
  • For more advanced editing with features and effects, consider using open-source or commercial video editing software that supports the .webm format.
  • Trimming replaces the original video. If you need the untrimmed version later, download it before trimming.

Additional Tips:

  • Use the zoom feature to precisely position the trim handles.
  • Experiment with different trims to achieve the desired length and content.
  • Consider exporting the trimmed video in different resolutions or formats for various uses.