How to Recover Lost Screen Recordings

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This guide demonstrates how to recover screen record files you cannot download or do not appear in your ScreenApp video library. Instances this guide can help are:

  • You lost files while processing the video
  • You closed the browser accidentally


  • This will not recover files that were already in your library, and you clear your browser cache
  • Applies to the local tab
  • Cannot recover files recorded with incognito windows
  • The recovery processes should be done using the same browser and same device and same account.
  • The recording should be done by registered customer after being signed to the ScreenApp

Steps :

  1. Log in to your ScreenApp account » visit your URL: ScreenApp
  2. Right-click on inside a white space without any videos or text and you should see a menu such as in the image below » Click on ‘Inspect’
  3. Click on Console
  4. Type the following code in the console by using the secret key given by the ScreenApp support team (If you don’t have a key, please send us a request to with the email you used for registration) attemptRecovery("SecretKey")
  5. Click enter button » It will shows as following
  6. Once it says Done [important: this will take up to a few minutes, please wait until it says Done] » Next refresh the browser; It will recover and display any recoverable files
  • This process might be able to recover files for you. But it does not guarantee success as OS/ Browser incumbrances may have corrupted the files beyond recovery.