Transcriptions Are Not in the Correct Language

Written by
ScreenApp Team
Updated on
February 11, 2024

If your transcripts are not appearing in the correct language, follow these steps to adjust the settings:

Steps to Correct the Transcript Language

  1. Downvote the Transcript:
    • In the transcript view, select the downvote icon if the language is incorrect.
  2. Select the Correct Language:
    • After downvoting, you’ll be prompted to choose the correct language for the transcript.
    • The system will then reprocess the transcript in the selected language.
  3. Future Transcriptions:
    • All future transcriptions will be done in this chosen language. If you don’t want this to apply to all future transcripts, continue to the next step.
  4. Adjust AI Settings:
    • Go to Settings > AI Settings and set your preferred language. This allows you to control the default language for future transcripts.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your transcripts are processed in the correct language moving forward.