
Fixing Download Issues

Written by
ScreenApp Team
Updated on
June 13, 2024

If you're experiencing issues with downloading files, here are the key points to check:

Why You Might Be Facing Issues

  1. Paid Accounts Only: Downloads are available exclusively for users on paid accounts. If you’re on a free plan, you will need to upgrade to access the download feature.
  2. Download Format: Downloads are only available in the original file format (typically MP4). However, older recordings may be in other formats. We do not currently offer file conversions before downloading.
  3. No Bulk Downloads: We currently do not offer bulk download functionality. If you are on a paid annual plan and require bulk downloads, please contact us, and we may assist you with this request.

Still Having Issues?

If you meet the above requirements and are still experiencing download issues, please reach out to us at