Google Meet Definition

Raise Hand

'Raise Hand' in Google Meet is a feature that allows participants to indicate that they have a question or comment without interrupting the ongoing conversation.

What is Raise Hand in Google Meet?

Raise Hand is a feature in Google Meet that allows participants to virtually raise their hand to indicate that they have a question, comment, or would like to speak. This feature is particularly useful in large meetings or classrooms where it may be difficult for the host or teacher to keep track of who wants to speak. When a participant raises their hand, a hand icon appears next to their name in the participant list and the host or teacher can choose to call on them.

How to Raise Hand in Google Meet?

To raise your hand in Google Meet, click on the "Raise Hand" icon located in the bottom toolbar. This will notify the host or teacher that you have a question or comment. The hand icon will appear next to your name in the participant list and the host or teacher can choose to call on you. To lower your hand, simply click on the "Lower Hand" icon located next to the "Raise Hand" icon.

Why is Raise Hand important in Google Meet?

Raise Hand is an important feature in Google Meet because it promotes active participation and engagement in virtual meetings and classrooms. It allows participants to ask questions, share their thoughts, and contribute to the discussion without interrupting the speaker or other participants. This feature also helps the host or teacher to manage the meeting more effectively by keeping track of who wants to speak and ensuring that everyone has a chance to participate.

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